
11 Cat Breeds Best Suited for Condo Living

Best Cat Breeds for Condo Living

Numerous cats can thrive in an condo or other small space if adequate attention, play, and environmental enrichment are provided. Some of the best cat breeds for condominiums are generally easygoing and adaptable. Cats with low to moderate energy levels are also more content in small living spaces, though active cats can thrive if exercised regularly.

Enriching a small home is especially critical for a cat’s mental and physical stimulation. Provide climbing and perching areas for the cat, preferably near a window. Additionally, provide scratching areas and interactive playtime for cats.

Characteristics of the Cat Breed

Choose a cat breed that is generally calm and friendly but not excessively demanding of attention if you live in an condo. Avoid highly intelligent cat breeds, as their mental stimulation may be insufficient in a small space. As a result, they may begin engaging in destructive behaviors.

Additionally, keep in mind that less energetic breeds require exercise and interaction to maintain their health and well-being—less attention does not equal no attention.

The following are the best cat breeds suited for condo living.

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American Shorthair

The American shorthair, a pedigreed version of the domestic shorthair, is a laid-back cat who enjoys socializing with humans. These cats do well in an apartment or a condo as long as their social needs are met. However, they are adept at amusing themselves with toys and peering out windows.


Birman Cat Breed
Birman Cat Breed

The gentle Birman is an affectionate lap cat who does not require an excessive amount of space. These placid cats simply want to be wherever their favorite humans are, making their home size irrelevant. They do have a playful side and enjoy chasing other pets. They do, however, require little space to have a good time.

British Shorthair 

The British shorthair is a highly adaptable breed that thrives in condo spaces. These quiet, laid-back cats typically prefer to lounge around their homes rather than race. However, they have bursts of energy and enjoy interactive play that tests their mental and physical stamina. Food puzzles are excellent for keeping them occupied in a small space, as long as they do not result in overfeeding.

Burmese Cat

Burmese people are typically sweet and cuddly. To avoid loneliness, these social cats prefer constant company from their humans or other pets. They’re also quite athletic and require cat trees and other areas for leaping and jumping. However, if they receive consistent attention, the size of their home is irrelevant.

Exotic Cat

Exotics are essentially the Persian cat’s shorthaired counterpart. This breed, like their long-haired relatives, are calm and affectionate, preferring a warm lap or plush cushion to intense activity. They are moderately active and will gladly expend some energy on cat toys before returning to your lap.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon Cat Breed
Maine Coon Cat Breed

The Maine coon is referred to as a “gentle giant” due to its easygoing and friendly demeanor. These large cats enjoy socializing with their humans, but are not typically attention-seeking. And they are quite capable of entertaining themselves as long as they have some toys and a view out a window. Additionally, they frequently accept walks outside on a leash for exercise and enrichment.

Persian Cat

Persians recognize the importance of rest and relaxation. This gentle and serene breed is perfectly content to curl up on any available soft surface, particularly a lap. They are not particularly fond of climbing or jumping, which makes them ideal for small homes. And, while they thrive in the company of their favorite humans, they are typically content spending time alone.


Ragdoll Cat Breed
Ragdoll Cat Breed

Ragdolls are the ultimate lap cats. Its name derives from the breed’s proclivity for relaxing and collapsing when held. They have a moderate level of energy and are extremely adaptable to a variety of different living situations. They are playful, but their preferred activity is following their humans around the house.

Russian Blue

The Russian blue is affectionate but not clingy, content to spend time alone in a sunny spot during the day. These cats do not require a lot of space, as they are generally reserved and have a low energy level. They enjoy playing with toys, but are frequently found perched high above their domain, observing it.

Scottish Fold 

Scottish folds are friendly and calm and adapt well to a variety of living situations, including condos and apartments. These placid breed enjoy participating in whatever their owners are doing, and one of their favorite activities is fetching. Food puzzles stimulate their intelligent, inquisitive nature, which is especially beneficial when you are unable to be at home with them.


Due to their hairlessness, these felines are ideal for condo dwellers who don’t want fur balls lurking in various corners. However, when you adopt a sphynx, you exchange grooming brushes for plenty of playtime, as they make up for their lack of fur with personality. Because this breed is small and have a lot of energy, they’ll require a home that allows them to leap and climb freely.

Cat Breeds to Avoid When Living in a Condo

Certain breeds are extremely energetic and may bounce off the walls of a condo unit or other small dwelling. Among them are the Abyssinian, the Balinese, the Bengal, the Savannah, and the Siberian. These type of pet is generally adventurous and are constantly on the lookout for something to do. And if they are unable to find sufficient enrichment in your limited space, they are unlikely to be happy or healthy.

Are You Prepared to Bring a Cat into Your Condo?
Taking Home a Cat
Taking Home a Cat

Due to the fact that cats generally take up very little space, it’s natural to assume that any breed will thrive in a condo unit. That is not always the case. Depending on the type of condo you have, several factors may need to be considered before bringing a feline into the home.

Cats, regardless of breed, have distinct personalities, so begin training yours as soon as possible. And, regardless of the breed, it’s difficult to find a pet more suited to condo living than these furballs!

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